Prof. Felix K. Abagale (Board Member)
Director, WACWISA/Pro-Vice Chancellor, UDS, Ghana
PROF. FELIX K. ABAGALE ) is a Professor of Soil and Water Engineering with the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the University for Development Studies (UDS). He is currently the Pro-Vice Chancellor of UDS and also the Director of the West African Centre for Water, Irrigation and Sustainable Agriculture (WACWISA). Starting his career as a Research Assistant at the Faculty of Agriculture (FoA) at UDS in November 2004, he has subsequently occupied positions of Senior Lecturer at FoA, Coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering and later Dean of the School of Engineering. He has over fifty (50) refereed journals publications and is a corporate member of the Ghana Institution of Engineers (GhIE). He is also a member of the following Professional Societies; Ghana Science Association, Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE), West Africa Society of Agricultural Engineering (WASAE), West African Engineering Deans Council, and Global Engineering Deans Council. His academic and research works span across Africa, Asia and Europe.