Ing. Prof. Felix K. ABAGALE (PhD), Director

Profile Summary
Felix K. Abagale (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Soil and Water Engineering. He has teaching a research experience in the University for over eighteen (18) years with special research interest in Soil and Water Resources Development, Water Resources Engineering and Irrigation Engineering.
He has over fifty (50) research articles published in referred journals and has attended several local and international conferences and presented scientific papers. He has served as an external examiner for several educational and research institutions. In the area of the provision of technical support to institutions, Felix K. Abagale has provided several consultancy services in this regard.
He is a member of some scientific and academic societies and has served on several boards and committees and committees as either a chair or a member.
Membership of Learned Professional Societies
- Ghana Institution of Engineers (Corporate Member M. 07969) | Since 2014
- Ghana Science Association | Since 2008
- Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE) |Since 2005
- West Africa Society of Agricultural Engineering (WASAE) | Since 2005
Research Interest
Soil and Water, Environmental and Irrigation Engineering.
- Abagale, S. A., Atiemo, S., Abagale, F. K., Ampofo, A., Amoah, C. Y., Aguree, S., Osei, Y. (2019). Pesticide Residues Detected in Selected Crops, Fish and Soil from Irrigation Sites in the Upper East Region of Ghana. J. Chem. A, 2020, 3(2), 221–236. DOI: Section A, 2020, 3(2), 221-237 10.33945/SAMI/AJCA.2020.2.10 ISSN Online: 2645-5676
- Adongo, A. T., Kyei-Baffour, N., Abagale, F. K., Agyare, W. A. (2019). Assessment of reservoir sedimentation of irrigation dams in northern Ghana. Lake and Reservoir Management. Taylor & Francis. 1040-2381. 35 (4).
- Adongo, T. A., Agyare, W. A., Abagale, F. K., Kyei-Baffour, N. (2019). Spatial Soil Loss Estimation Using an Integrated GIS-Based Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in Selected Watersheds in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology. 2141-2839. 11(4),
- Osei, A. R., Konate, Y. and Abagale, F. K. (2019). Pollutant Removal and Growth Dynamics of Macrophyte Species for Faecal Sludge Treatment with Constructed Wetland Technology. Water Science and Technology. 0273-1223. 80(6).
- Adongo, T. A., Abagale, F. K., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G. (2018). State and Performance of Water Retention Structures of Earthen Irrigation Dams in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Irrigation and Agricultural Development (IJIRAD). Irrigation Science, Engineering & Development (IJIRAD) 1(1) [2017] 34-43
- Osei, R. A, Karambiri, H., Konate, Y., Abagale, F. K., Sou/Dakoure, M. (2018). Macrophytes Potentials of Indigenous Plant Species for Faecal Sludge Constructed Wetland Treatment System: A Case in the Sudano-Sahelian Context. International Journal of Irrigation and Agricultural Development (IJIRAD). 1(1) [2017] 91-105
- Abagale, F. K., Adongo, T. A., and Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G. (2017). State of Water Retention Infrastructure of Six Irrigation Schemes in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology.
- Habib, Y., Abagale, F.K., Amoakoh, O.A., Jengre, N. and Owusu, K.A. (2017). Stimulating Riparian Buffer on Agricultural Landscapes: A Review from Water Management and Climate Change Perspective in Ghana. Elixir Environ. & Forestry 109 (2017) 48059-48063. (Elixir International Journal)
- Atta-Darkwa T, Akolgo G. A., Kyei-Baffour N., Agyare W. A. and Abagale F. K. (2016). Hydrological classification of the Besease inland valley bottom in Ghana for crop production using the water table fluctuation method. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (IJWREE) 8(7), pp. 81-91. [ISSN 2141-6613] DOI: 10.5897/IJWREE2015.0599
- Thomas Apusiga Adongo, Felix K. Abagale and Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic (2016). Performance Assessment of Irrigation Schemes in Northern Ghana Using Comparative Performance Indicators. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology. 5. Issue 4. pp 217-224. [ISSN 2277 1581]
- Samson A. Abagale, Lateef A. Oseni, Felix K. Abagale and Naana Osei-fosu (2016). Chemical Analyses of Shea Butter from Northern Ghana: Assessment of Six Industrially Useful Chemical Properties. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Research. 3, No. 1, 2016, pp. 953-961.
- Osei Richard A., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G. and Abagale, Felix K. (2015). Concentration of Faecal Sludge Solids in Waste Stabilisation Ponds in the Tamale Metropolis. Elixir Pollution 88 (2015) 36284-36287. ISSN 2229-712X. Available online at (Elixir International Journal)
- Abagale, F. K. and Ayuegabe, E. (2015). Enhancing Soil Nutrient Status using Dynamic Kraaling Strategy in Northern Ghana. Elixir Agriculture 88 (2015) 36279-36283. ISSN 2229-712X. Available online at (Elixir International Journal)
- Thomas Apusiga Adongo, Felix K. Abagale and Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic. (2015). Soil Quality of Irrigable Lands of Irrigation Schemes in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology (IJISET) 2 (8). ISSN 2348 – 7968. Available online at
- Thomas Apusiga Adongo, Felix K. Abagale and Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic (2015). Performance of Irrigation Water Delivery Structures in Six Schemes of Northern Ghana. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4 (9). ISSN: 2278 – 7798
- Evans A. Alenyorege, Felix K. Abagale, Albert Yawson, Nelson Opoku (2015). Effects of Fertilization on Aflatoxin Concentration in Fresh and Stored Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea ) International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 4 (9). ISSN: 2278 – 7798
- Evans A. Alenyorege, Felix K. Abagale, Albert Yawson, Nelson Opoku (2015). Effects of fertilization on the proximate composition of fresh and stored groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) Volume 7(4). ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online)
- Abagale F. K. (2015). Modelling Efficiency of On-Farm Sand Filter System in Microbial Contaminant Removal in Wastewater, Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research (IJEIR) 4 (1). ISSN: 2277 – 5668
- K. Quainoo, B. Abdul-Aziz, F. K. Abagale, A. H. Abubakari. (2015). Effect of Agro-ecological Zones on the Proximate Composition of Shea Latex (Vitellaria paradoxa L.). Research in Plant Biology, 5(1): 16-19, 2015 ISSN: 2231-5101.
- Abedin, A. H. Abubakari, Quainoo, A. K., Chimsah F. A., Nyarko, G. Mahunu, G. K. Abagale F. K. and Addai, G. (2015). Preliminary Studies on the effect of Shea Kernel size on Shea butter Quality. Africa Journal of Food Science, 9(4). 237-242. www.africajournals .org/AJFS, ISSN 1996-0794.
- Effah K. Antwi, Kei Otsuki, Osamu Saito, Francis Kwabena Obeng, Kwabena Awere Gyekye, John Boakye-Danquah, Yaw Agyeman Boafo, Yasuko Kusakari, G.A.B. Yiran, Alex Barima Owusu, Kwabena O.Asubonteng, Togbiga Dzivenu, Vincent Kodjo Avornyo, Felix K. Abagale, Godfred Seidu Jasaw, Victor Lolig, Shaibu Ganiyu, Samuel A. Donkoh, Richard Yeboah, Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic, Edwin A. Gyasi, Zinedeme Minia, Elias T. Ayuk, Hirotaka Matsuda, Hirohiko Ishikawa, Osamu Ito, Kazuhiko Takeuchi (2014). Developing a Community-Based Resilience Assessment Model with reference to Northern Ghana. Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management. IDRiM (2014)4(1) ISSN: 2185-8322 5595/idrim.2014.0066
- Antwi, E.K., Boakye-Danquah, J., Asabre, S. B., Yiran, G.A.B., Loh, S. K., Awere, G. K., Abagale, F. K., Asubonteng, K. O., Attua, E. M. and Owusu, A. B. (2014). Land Use and Landscape Structural Changes in Ecoregions of Ghana. Journal of Disaster Research, Japan 9(4). August 2014. ISSN 1881-2473 Available online at
- Abagale F. K., Kyei-Baffour, N., Mensah, E. and Ofori, E. (2014). Micro nutrient concentration in wastewater used for Peri-Urban irrigation, Ghana. Elixir Agriculture 77 (2014) 29190-29192. Available online at (Elixir International Journal).
- Abagale, F. K., Oredola, T. A. K. and Osei, A. R. (2014). Organochlorine Pesticide Levels in Irrigation Water of the Golinga Dam, Tolon District Ghana. Elixir Pollution 72 (2014) 25610-25615. ISSN 2229-712X. Available online at (Elixir International Journal).
- Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic, Shayibu Abdul-Ghanyu, Bizoola Zinzoola Gandaa, and Felix K. Abagale (2014). Dry Spells Occurrence in Tamale, Northern Ghana– Review of Available Information. Journal of Disaster Research. 9(4). 2014.
- Felix K. Abagale (2013). Twenty Years of a Multi-Campus and Field Practical Oriented University Education, Moving Forward. University for Development Studies, 20th Anniversary Reader, 2013 Tamale-Ghana
- Abagale, F. K., Amoah, A. K., Abagale, S. A. and Osei, R. A. (2013). Pollution Level Assessment of Dam Water Used for Domestic Activities in Builpela of the Tamale Metropolis, Ghana. International Journal of Current Research (IJCR) 5(11): 3348-3353. Available online at [ISSN: 0975-833X].
- Abagale F. K., Kyei-Baffour, N., Ofori, E., and Mensah, E. (2013). Types and Seasonal Diversity of Helminth Eggs in Wastewater Used for Peri-Urban Vegetable Crop Production in Tamale Metropolis, Ghana. International Journal of Current Research. 5(11), 3354-3359. Available online at [ISSN: 0975-833X].
- Abagale, F. K., Sarpong, D. A., Ojediran, J. O., Osei-Agyemang, R., Shaibu, A. G. and Birteeb, P. T. (2013). Heavy Metal Concentration in Wastewater from Car Washing Bays Used For Agriculture in the Tamale Metropolis, Ghana. International Journal of Current Research 5(6), pp.1571-1576, June, 2013. ISSN: 0975-833X Available online at
- Chimsah, F. A., Nyarko, G., Yidana, J. A., Abubakari, A-H., Mahunu, G. K., Abagale, F.K. and Quainoo, A. (2013). Diversity of tree species in cultivated and fallow fields within Shea Parklands of Ghana. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) ISSN: 2220-6663. (Print) 2222-3045 (Online) 3(2), pp. 1-9, 2013. Available online:
- Abagale F. K., Mensah, A. and Osei, R.A. (2012). Urban Solid Waste Sorting in a Growing City of Ghana. International Journal of Environment and Sustainability 1(4), pp. 18‐25 (2012). [ISSN 1927 – 9566]. Available online:
- Abagale, F. K. Coffie, J. and Nyadzi, E. (2012). Quantification and Nutrient Levels of Eroded Soil of Farmlands in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Forest, Soil and Erosion, 2(4): 192-194 ISSN 2251-6387 [PRINT] 2251-824X [Online] © November 2012, GHB’s Journals, IJFSE, Shabestar, Iran Available online:
- Abagale F.K., Abdulai, N. and Ojediran, J. O. (2012). Effect of Shea Waste Slurry on Soil Physical Properties in Peri-Urban Tamale, Northern Ghana. Asian Journal of Science and Technology. 4. Issue 12. Pp 036-041. [ISSN 0976-3376]
- Abubakari, A-H, Nyarko, G., Yidana, J.A., Mahunu, G.K. Abagale, F.K., Quainoo, A., Chimsah, F. and Avornyo, A. (2012). Comparative Studies of Soil Characteristics in Shea Parklands of Ghana. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management (JSSEM), 3(4): 84-90. Available online at [ISSN: 2141-2391].
- Nyarko, G., Mahunu, G. K., Chimsah, F. A., Yidana, J. A., Abubakari, A-H., Abagale, F. K., Quainoo, A. and Poudyal, M. (2012). Leaf and Fruit Characteristics of Shea (Vitellaria Paradoxa) in Northern Ghana. Research in Plant Biology (RPB), 2(3): 38-45 Available online at [ISSN 2231-5101].
- Quainoo, A. K., Nyarko, G., Davrieux, F., Piombo, G., Yidana, J. A., Abubakari, A. , Mahunu, G. K., Abagale, F. K. and Chimsah, F. (2012). Determination of biochemical composition of shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) nut using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and gas chromatography. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS), 1 (2): 84-98 [ISSN: 2277 – 4998].
- Osei, R. A., Abagale, F. K. and Nyadzi, E. (2011). Chemical Contaminants Reduction of Wastewater Used for Peri-Urban Agriculture in Northern Ghana. International Journal of Current Research (IJCR) 3(11). Available online at ISSN: 0975-833X
- Unami, K., Abagale, F. K., Yangyuoru M., Abul Hasan Badiul Alam, A.H.M.B., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G. (2010). A stochastic differential equation model for assessing drought and flood risks. Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk Assess. 24:725–733 DOI 10.1007/s00477-009-0359-2.
- Abagale, F.K., Unami, K. and Gbedzi, V.D. (2010). An Overview of Stochastic Processes Affecting Suspended Sediment Production in Environmental Engineering; Case of Northern Ghana. Development Spectrum Journal, 3(1): 75-81 [ISSN 9964-92-435-6]
- Abagale, F. K. (2010). Relationship Between Water Depth and Pressure in Small Dams of Northern Ghana. Development Spectrum Journal, 3(1): 1-10 [ISSN 9964-92-435-6]
- Abagale, F. K. and Kyei-Baffour, N. (2010). Suspended Sediment Production of the Nasia River Basin of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Development Studies. 7(2): 1-19. ISSN 0855-6768
- Unami K., Kawachi T., Kranjac-Berisavljevic G., Abagale F.K., Maeda S., Takeuchi, J. (2009). Case study: Hydraulic Modeling Of Runoff Processes In Ghanaian Inland Valleys, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, America Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 135 (7), 539-553.
- Abagale, F.K., Kyei-Baffour, N. and Ofori, E. (2009). Degradation of the Nasia River Basin in Northern Ghana. Ghana Journal of Development Studies (GJDS). 6(1): 154-174. ISSN 0855-6768
- Abagale, F. K., Mahama, S. and Angbangbio, D. (2010). Moisture Retention Characteristics of Soils Used for Vegetable Crop Production in the Tolon-Kumbungu District, Ghana. Ghana Journal of Horticulture. 8(2010): 44-54 ISSN 0855-6350.
- Abagale, F. K. and Tetteh, G. A. (2011). Soil Water Content Profiling Using EnviroSMARTTM in Northern Ghana. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management (JSSEM), 2(12): 411-421. Available online at [ISSN 2141-2391].
- Kranjac-Berisavljevic’, G. and Abagale, F. K. (2004). Siltation of Dams and Reservoirs and its Effect on Agriculture Production in Northern Ghana: Case study of Chabchab Irrigation Project, Savelugu-Nanton District. Proceedings of the 2nd West African Society of Agricultural Engineering International Conference at KNUST, Ghana.
- Abdul-Ganiyu, S., Gbedzi V.D., Shaibu, S., and Abagale F. K. (2011). An Assessment of the Benefits and Health Risks Associated with use of Wastewater for Vegetables Production in the Tamale Metropolis. Ghana Institute of Horticulture (GhiH) Bi-Annual Magazine. 1(1).
- Abagale, F.K., Unami, K. And Kawachi, T. (2009). Key Issues in Management of Existing Micro-dams in Ghana. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Congress of Japan Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (JRCSA). 109 – 112.
- Abagale F. K., Gandaa, B. Z. Adjei B. Y., Tetteh R., Kranjac-Berisavljevic’ G. and Shaibu A-G. (2015). Sanitation Situation of Public Toilets in the Tamale Metropolis, Ghana. February 4th and 5th, 2015. 2015 Harmattan School. Organised by Institute for Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary Research (ICEIR), University for Development Studies. Venue: University for Development Studies International Conference Centre. Tamale.
- Abagale, F. K., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G. Shaibu, A-G., Gandaa, B. Z. (2014). Variation Analysis of Rainfall and Temperature in Northern Savannahs of Ghana. August 6-7 2014: International Conference on Enhancing Resilience to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-arid Africa. Organised by Climate and Ecosystem Change Adaptation and Resilience Research (CECAR). Venue: University for Development Studies, Ghana.
- Abagale, F. K., Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G. Shaibu, A-G., Gandaa, B. Z. 2014. Variation Analysis of Rainfall and Temperature in Northern Savannahs of Ghana. August 6-7 2014: International Conference on Enhancing Resilience to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-arid Africa. Organised by Climate and Ecosystem Change Adaptation and Resilience Research (CECAR). Venue: University for Development Studies, Ghana
- Chimsah, F.A., Nyarko G., Yidana, J.A., Abubakari A-H., Abagale, F.K., Mahunu, G.K. and Quainoo, A. (2011). Diversity of tree species in cultivated and fallow fields within shea parklands of Ghana. Presented at the Final INNOVKAR Shea Conference held on the 23-28th October, 2011, in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
- Yidana, J. , Nyarko, G., Mahunu, G.K., Chimsah, F. A., Abubakari, A-H., Abagale, F. A. and Quainoo, A. 2011. A Guide for Grafting Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa gaertn). Presented at the Final INNOVKAR Shea Conference held on the 23-28th October, 2011, in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- Shaibu, A-G, Abagale, F. K., Frimpong, A. A., and Korese J. K. (2011). Evaluating the Performance of Ligba Irrigation Scheme in the Savelugu – Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana. A Research Paper Presented at the 5th National Conference Of Ghana Society Of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE), KNUST, 22nd – 23rd September, 2011.
- Abagale, K. and Tetteh, G. A. (2011). Soil Water Content Profiling Using EnviroSMART in the Tolon-Kumbungu District, Northern Ghana. A Research Paper Presented at the 27th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Science Association, KNUST Kumasi 10th to 15th July 2011.
- Shaibu, A-G., Abagale, F.K., Nterful, A. A and Korese, J. K. (2011). An Evaluation of the Performance of Vea Irrigation Scheme in the Bongo District of the Upper East Region of Ghana. A Research Paper Presented at the 5th National Conference of Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE), KNUST, 22nd – 23rd September, 2011
- Abagale, K., S. A. Alenga and P.K. Antwi (2011). Assessment of the Relationship between Water Salinity and Water Depth of Micro-Dams in the Tolon-Kumbungu District of Northern. A paper Presented at the 5th National Conference of Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE), KNUST, 22nd – 23rd September, 2011.
- Abagale, F.K. and Z. P. Akonyani (2011). A Study of the Rainfall Pattern in Tamale Metropolis- Northern Region. A Paper Presented at the 5th National Conference of Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE), KNUST, 22nd – 23rd September, 2011.
- Abubakari A-H, Nyarko, G., Yidana, J. A., Mahunu, G, K., Abagale, F. K., Quainoo, A. and Chimsah, F. (2011). Comparative studies of soil characteristics in three Shea parklands of Ghana. A paper presented at Shea Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23 -28 October, 2011. A paper presented at Shea Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23 -26 October, 2011.
- Quainoo, A.K., Nyarko, G., Davrieux, F Piombo, G , Yidana, J.A., Abubakari, A-H., Mahunu, G. K., Abagale, F. K. and Chimsah, F. A (2011). Determination of biochemical composition of Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) nut using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and wet chemistry. A paper presented at Shea Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23 -28 October, 2011.
- Nyarko, G., Mahunu, G. K., Chimsah, F. A., Yidana, J. A., Abubakari, A-H, Abagale, F. K., Quainoo, A. and Poudyal, M. (2011). Leaf and Fruit Characteristics of Shea (Vitellaria Paradoxa) in Northern Ghana (2011). A Research Paper Presented at Shea Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23 -28 October, 2011.
- Chimsah, F.A., Nyarko G., Yidana, J.A., Abubakari A-H., Abagale, F.K., Mahunu, G .K. and Quainoo, A. K. (2011). Diversity of Tree Species in Cultivated and Fallow Fields within Shea Parklands of Ghana. A paper presented at Shea Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23 -28 October, 2011.
- Abagale, F.K., Unami, K., Kawachi, T. (2009). Key issues in management of existing micro-dams in Ghana. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Congress of Japan Rainwater Catchment Systems, Kanazawa, Japan, 109-112.
- Abagale, F. K., Yawson, A. and Acheampong, F. (2009). Controlling Incidence of Bushfires in the Transitional Belt of Ghana: Case of the Wenchi Area. Paper presented at the IDRC Innovation, Policy & Science Programme “Developmental Universities of the South” at the Tietaar Conference Centre Bolgatanga.
- Felix K. Abagale. (2009). The Use of Vernacular Radio Programmes to Sensitize Food Venders, Vegetable Producers and Sellers on Options Available to reduce Health Risk Associated with the Use of Vegetables Produced from Wastewater. WHO/FAO/IDRC/UDS Project on Minimising Health Risk from Using Excreta and Greywater by Poor Urban and Peri-Urban Farmers in the Tamale Municipality, Ghana. Workshop Held at Catholic Guest House, Tamale.
- K. Abagale. (2008). Agriculture in the Northern Savanna – Ghana. A paper presented at the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan. May 2008.
- Kranjac-Berisavljevic’, G. and Abagale, F.K. (2004). Siltation of Dams and Reservoirs and its Effect on Agriculture Production in Northern Ghana: Case study of Chabchab Irrigation Project, Savelugu-Nanton District. Proceedings of the 2nd West African Society of Agricultural Engineering International Conference at KNUST, Ghana.
- The 11th Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence (ACE) I and 2nd ACE Impact Workshops, as the Director of the West Africa Center for Water, Irrigation and Sustainable Agriculture (WACWISA), UDS. It was held in Dakar, Senegal September 23-27, 2019.
- The 10th Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence for Development Impact Bootcamp (ACE Impact), as the Director of the West Africa Center for Water, Irrigation and Sustainable Agriculture (WACWISA), UDS. It was held at the University of Djibouti, Djibouti, February 19-26, 2019.
- Review Panel Chairperson, Master of Integrated Water Resources Management (NQF Level 9) at the University of Science and Technology (NUST), Namibia. A Review of Curriculum Quality on behalf of the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), Namibia. 25-27 September 2017
- 3rd African Engineering Deans Summit (AEDC 2017). Conference Theme “Engineering for Socio-Economic Development of Africa”. Organized at the African Leadership Development Centre (ALDC), Covenant University, Canaan Land, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. 24th – 26th July 2017.
- 5th Africa Centres of Excellence (ACE) Project Workshop. Organised by AAU, The World Bank and ECOWAS, La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra. 17th to 19th May, 2016.
- Workshop and Training Session: Advancement Professionals Senior Development. Organised by Stellenbosch University Advancement Academy, University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), Cape Town, South Africa. 25-28 September 2011.
- Participated in INNOVKAR Shea Project Scientific: “Science for Better Shea”. Splendid Hotel, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. 24th to 28th October, 2011.
- Agriculture in the Northern Savanna – Ghana. (2008). A paper presented at the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan. May 2008.
- “University Faculty Training of Trainers on the Development of Academic Programs related to WASH”. West African Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Program (USAID WA-WASH) held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Organised by USAID, Global Water for Sustainability and Florida International University. 10-13 March 2014.
- 4th Ghana – France Higher Education Conference. Held at Golden Tulip Hotel Accra. Organised by French Embassy in Ghana. 3rd to 6th October 2017.
- Presented a Paper titled “Students Industrial Internships in Francophone Countries: The Burkina Faso Plan” During Round Table 3 on “Universities and Companies: integrating the Economic Dimension into Higher Education Co-operation. At 4th Ghana – France Higher Education Conference. Held at Golden Tulip Hotel Accra. Organized by French Embassy in Ghana. 3rd October 2017.
- Stakeholder workshop on Productive Uses of Energy, Blue Sky Hotel, Organised by: GiZ and Energy Commission Under the Energizing Development. 28th 2018.
- Soil Suitability Survey Workshop and Field Trips. Organised by African Development Bank Group at Modern City Hotel, Tamale. 15 -17 May, 2018.
- 1st UDS/CWSA WASH Conference. “University for Development Studies, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Navrongo Campus. 2017.
- National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) Leadership Development Conference. (NCTE-SALT Board/Council Conference). Organised by Senior Academic Leadership Training (SALT) of NCTE in Collaboration with Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) and Sponsored by Carnegie Corporation of New York. Venue: ISSER, Legon. 1st September 2016.
- Professional Development Workshop on Teaching and Assessment. Organised by Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance, University for Development Studies. Venue: Dr. Andani Andan Academic Board Chamber. 19th – 20th January 2016.
- Workshop on Improving Dissertation and Thesis Writing in UDS. Organised by IIRaCS at the Spanish Laboratory, Nyankpala Campus. 24th February 2016.
- 2015 Harmattan School Theme: Sanitation, Health Communication and National Development. Organised by Institute for Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary Research (ICEIR), University for Development Studies. Held at UDS International Conference Centre, Tamale. 4th – 5th February, 2015.
- Climate and Ecosystem Adaptation and Resilience Research (CECAR Africa) Project, Matching Workshop. Held at the University for Development Studies International Conference Centre, Tamale August 6th and 7th
- Workshop on Financial Management for Heads of Departments/Sections in the University for Development Studies. Held at the Academic Board Chamber, UDS Central Administration. 10th September 2014.
- International Conference on Enhancing Resilience to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-arid Africa (CECAR Africa). Organised by Climate and Ecosystem Change Adaptation and Resilience Research (CECAR). Held at University for Development Studies International Conference Centre. Tamale. August 6-7 2014.
- MoFA/IFAD/AfDB. Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP). Theme: Building Local Human Capacity in Irrigation Delivery. Topic: Training of GIDA Staff for Enhanced Capacity at All Levels of Irrigation Delivery. Held at Gillbt Training Center, Tamale. 29th July to 3rd August, 2013.
- CECAR-Africa Coordination Committee Meeting and Research Workshops, UNU-INRA, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra. Organised by SATREPS Project “Enhancing Resilience to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-Arid Africa: An Integrated Approach (CECAR-Africa)”. August 5 – 7, 2013.
- Faculty Training of Trainers on Development of Academic Programs related to Water, Sanitation and Hygeine. West Africa Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Program (USAID WA-WASH) held at UDS International Conference Centre. Organised by USAID, Global Water for Sustainability and UNESCO-IHE. Held at UDS International Conference Center, Tamale, Ghana. 22-29 May 2013.
- West Africa Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Program USAID WA-WASH Training of Decision and Policy Makers on “Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Strategies”. Organized by the USAID WA-WASH Program through its partners Florida International University (FIU), USAID and Global Water for Sustainability and Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA). UDS International Conference Center, Tamale, Ghana. 27th – 31 May 2013.
- Project Planning Workshop on “Scaling out the Recovery of Nutrients and Organic Matter from Faecal Sludge for Food Production in Ghana: From Waste to Food (WaFo)”. Held at University for Development Studies International Conference Centre. Tamale. 17th and 18th April 2013.
- Orientation Seminar for Level 100 Students “Preparation Towards First University Examination”. Auditorium of Nyankpala Campus, University for Development Studies. 20th November 2012.
- “Scaling-Up for Food Security in Africa, Champions for Change 2” Training in Ghana. Held at the Stone Lodge, Ghana. Organised by USAID, FUTURE and AfricaLead. 2 – 5 April, 2012.
- EU, INCO, INNOVKAR UDS 3rd Steering Committee Workshop/Meeting, 18 – 23 February, 2011.
- 5th National Conference of Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering (GSAE), KNUST, Kumasi. 22nd – 23rd September, 2011.
- Volta Basin Integrated Management of Rainwater for Crop-Livestock Agro-Ecosystems (V2) Innovations Platforms Training Workshop. Organised by Animal Research Institute (ARI-CSIR) and International Livestock Research Institutes (ILRI). Held at GILLBT Training Centre, Tamale. 12th – 14th April 2011.
- Integrated Management of Rainwater for Crop – Livestock Agroecosystems (CPWF Volta Basin) Workshop. Held at Animal Research Institute – Nyankpala. 18th March 2011.
- Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness Planning, Workshop Organised by Water Resources Commission (WRC). Bolgantanga. 12th May 2011.
- A day’s Regional Consultation Workshop on the Oil & Gas Policy and Legal Frameworks. Held at Radach Memorial Centre and Sponsored by ISODEC. 20-21st June 2010.
- Climate Change Adaptation Through Water Resources. Organized by Water Resources Commission (WRC) and University for Development Studies (UDS). Workshop held at the Gilbt Training Center, Tamale. 5th February 2010.
- Irrigation Water Storage and Conservation Workshop – Change Climate Adaptation in Water Resources Management. Organized by Water Resources Commission (WRC) and held at SSNIT Conference Hall, Bolgatanga. 19th March, 2010.
- March, 2010. Appraisal of Teaching Staff by Students. A Workshop Organized by the Quality Assurance Directorate of the University for Development Studies and held at the Spanish Laboratory, UDS, Nyankpala Campus.
- A Day’s Regional Consultation Workshop on the Oil and Gas Policy and Legal Frameworks. Organised by ISODEC/GDCA at the Radach Memorial Center. 21st June 2010.
- Minimizing Post Harvest Losses as an Effective Poverty Reduction Strategy: The Role of Science and Technology.12th Biennial Workshop. Ghana Science Association. Organized at UDS Academic Board Chamber. 4th August 2010.
- AuthorAID Writing Skills, Proposal Writing and Scholarly Journal Publishing Workshop Held at UDS Guest House Accra. Sponsored by INASP6th to 10, 2010.
- TEPPCON-MUENSSTER-KAS Partnership Civic Education Programme (Think Tank Forum on the Development of the North). Theme: Reducing Poverty in Northern Ghana Through Holistic Development. 22-26th February 2009. Held at Catholic Guest House, Tamale and organised by TEPPCON with sponsorship by KONRAD ADENAUER STIFTUNG (KAS). Held at Catholic Guest House, Tamale. 22-26 February 2009.
- 2nd Ghana Seminar. IDRC Innovation, Policy and Science Programme. Developmental Universities of the South Project. Theme: “University Research and People-Centered Developmental Needs in Ghana”. Sponsored by Sponsored by International Development Research Centre (IDRC Canada), University of Ghana, Witwatersrand University (South Africa), University for Development Studies and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Held at Tietaar Conference Centre, Bolgatanga. May 8 – 9th, 2009.
- Workshop and Road-show on Research Finding of the WHO/FAO/IDRC – UDS Project on Minimizing Health Risk from using Excreta and Grey Water by Poor Urban and Peri-Urban Farmers in the Tamale Municipality, Ghana. Held at Catholic Guest House, Tamale. 10 and 11th March 2009.
- 2009 Endogenous Development (ED) Africa Regional Conference held at the UDS International Conference Centre under the theme Endogenous Development as an Alternative for Africa’s Development? Myths, Realities and Options for Poverty Reduction and Socio-economic Wellbeing. Organized by University for Development Studies, Ghana and CAPTURED Project Ghana. Sponsored by DGIS, The Netherlands, UDS Ghana and ETC/COMPAS, The Netherlands. October 27th and 29th
- Climate Change Adaptation in the Three Northern Regions “Launching & Knowledge Systems Workshop”. Held at Radach Memorial Centre, Tamale under the theme “Strengthening Adaptation to Climate Change Outcomes”. Funded by Danish Development Agency (DANIDA), Accra July, 29-30, 2009.
- . Water Resources Commission. Theme: Strengthening Adaptation to climate Change Outcomes in Northern Ghana. “Climate Change Adaptation Project” Knowledge Systems Workshop. Held at Radach Memorial Center, Tamale. July 29th to 30th 2009
- Research Ethics Policy Workshop, Organised by Centre for Continuing Education and Inter-Disciplinary Research (CCEIR), University for Development Studies and Sponsored by The CAPTURED PROJECT. University for Development Studies International Conference Centre. Tamale. 19th March 2009.
- 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of INNOVKAR: Innovative Tools and Techniques for the Sustainable Use of Shea Tree. Held at Arewa Sunshine Hotel, Tamale, Ghana. Organised by INNOVKAR Project and sponsored by EU. 22nd to 25th July, 2008.
- Climate Change and Food Security. Organised by RÜCKKEHRERBÜRO Ghana. Tamale. September 2008.
- Biometry and Statistical Analysis Using GENSTAT Software Organised by Challenge Programme for Water and Food Project 38 and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. January 03 to 08 2006.
- CTA/UDS Training Course on Scientific Data Management (SDM), University for Development Studies, Navrongo Campus, Navrongo-Ghana. December 19 to 28, 2005:
- Participant 2nd West African Society of Agriculture Engineering (WASAE) International Conference, KNUST, Ghana. September 2004.
- Participant, National Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Tamale, Ghana. October 2002.
Post Graduate Students Supervised
- Assessment and Modelling of Reservoir Sedimentation of Selected Irrigation Dams in Northern Ghana. Thomas Adongo Apusiga (PG6998016). Doctor of Philosophy, Soil and Water Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. (Co-Supervised). Graduated.
- Diagnosis and Design of a Solar Micro Sprinkler Irrigation System for Banana Production in Kokoligu in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Osvaldo Pascoal Rodrigues Tchicucuma. Master of Civil and Hydraulics Engineering, Specialisation: Hydraulic Structures. International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. (Co-Supervised). Graduated.
- Climate Change and Catchment Degradation in the Tono Irrigation Project in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Nuhu Zulkalayne Bapio (UDS/MSWC/0010/12). Master of Philosophy, Soil and Water Conservation and Management. University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana. (Supervised). Graduated.
- Treatment Efficiency of Waste Stabilization Ponds for Faecal Sludge and Potential Reuse in Agriculture. Richard Osei Agyemang (UDS/MSWC/0014/12). Master of Philosophy, Soil and Water Conservation and Management University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana (Supervised). Graduated.
- Effects of Fertilization and Storage on Aflatoxin Concentration Levels and Nutritional Quality of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Master of Philosophy, Postharvest Technology. Evans Adinga Alengyorege (UDS/MPHT/0011/13) (Co-Supervised). Graduated.
- Performance Assessment of Irrigation Schemes in Northern Ghana Using Comparative Performance Indicators. Master of Philosophy, Soil and Water Conservation and Management. Thomas Adongo Apusiga (UDS/MSWC/0017/13) (Supervised). Graduated.
- Effects of Soil Erosion and Degradation on Farmlands in the Tolon-Kumbungu District of the Northern Region. 2015. Tiifu Baba Anambabi. (UDS/MSWC/0005/08). Master of Philosophy, Soil and Water Conservation and Management (Co-Supervised). Graduated.
- Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Techniques on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil in the Savannah Ecological Zone. 2015. Blege Precious Kwaku. (UDS/MSWC/0006/11) Master of Philosophy. Soil and Water Conservation and Management (Supervised). Graduated.
- Biochar as Soil Amendment: A comparative study of different feedstocks, application rate and fertilizer rate for urban and peri-urban vegetable production in Tamale. Asirifi Isaac (UDS/MSWC/0021/15). Master of Philosophy. Soil and Water Conservation and Management. In Progress
- Characterization and Assessment of practices by small-holder irrigation farmers in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Raymond Tetteh. (UDS/MSWC/0022/15). Master of Philosophy. Soil and Water Conservation & Management. (Co-Supervised).
- Team Leader: May, 2016: Mid-Term Evaluation of March, 2015: Mid-Term Project Evaluation of “Food Security Through Co-operatives in Northern Ghana (FOSTERING). Project being implemented in 130 communities in eight (8) districts (Nanumba South, Tatale- Sanguli, Chereponi, Zabzugu and Krachi Nchumuru, Kpandai, East Gonja and Nanumba North)” (Client: SEND-Ghana)
- Team Leader: March, 2015: End of Project Evaluation of Enhancing Livelihood Security Through Climate Adaptation and Learning Project. Project Implemented in Sixteen (16) Communities in Northern (East Mamprusi District), Upper East (Garu-Tempane District) and Upper West (Nandom and Nadowli Districts) Regions. (Client: Oxfam GB in Ghana)
- Team Leader: January, 2015: End of Project Evaluation of Building Women’s Resiliency for Climate Change Through Commercial Woodlot (BWR4CC) of The Eastern Corridor Livelihood Security Promotion Programme (ECLSPP). Implemented in Three (3) Districts: East Gonja, Nanumba North and Kpandai districts. (Client: SEND Ghana)
- Team Leader: July 2015. Water Quality and Stock Assessment of Major Fish Species in Sissili-Kulpawn River Confluence”, Wienco Chair Research Grant No. WC15-25
- Team Leader: April, 2014: End of Project Evaluation of Farmer Sustainability Project (FSP) of The Eastern Corridor Livelihood Security Promotion Programme (ECLSPP). Project Implemented in 47 communities in the 5 districts of East Gonja, Kpandai, Nanumba North, Nanumba South and Krachi-Nchumuru Districts. (Client: SEND Ghana)
- Team Member: December, 2013: Baseline Study of Communities of the Sisili-Kulpawn Basin for Irrigation Development (Client: Integrated Water and Agricultural Development – IWAD)
- Team Leader: December 2013: Training on Postharvest Handling of Soya bean and Maize for SFBOs under the Agricultural Value Chain Mentorship Project (AVCMP).
- Team Member: November, 2013: End of Project Evaluation of Farmer Advocacy “Road to Parliament” Project. (Client: Presby Agric, Tamale)
- Team Leader: August, 2013: Design of Financial Management Systems and Training on Their Use and Applications in The West Mamprusi and Chereponi Districts. (Client: SNV, Ghana)
- Team Leader: August, 2012: Performance Evaluation of University Graduates from 1998 to 2010: Case of the University for Development Studies. With Support from UDS.
- Team Leader: June 2013: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study of SADA-MVP Communities in Three (3) Districts – West Mamprusi, Mamprugu-Moaduri, Builsa South Districts. (Client: SADA-MVP, Bolgatanga)
- Team Leader: June 2013: Development of Training Manual/ Guide for Sesame Cultivation in Two Districts of Northern Ghana. (Client: SNV Ghana)
- Team Leader: June 2013: Pre-Feasibility Study for Final City Selection Scaling out the Recovery of Nutrients and Organic Matter from Faecal Sludge for Food Production In Ghana: From Waste To Food (WaFo). (Client: IWMI, Ghana)
- Team Leader: November 2012. Supply Chain Analysis of Home Grown School Feeding Programme in Karaga and East Gonja Districts of Northern Region, Ghana. (Client: SNV Ghana).
- Team Leader: August, 2012. Mid-Term Evaluation Report of Farmer Sustainability Project of the Eastern Corridor Livelihood Security Promotion Programme (ECLSPP) Of Send Ghana. (Client, SEND, Ghana)
- Team Leader: April 2011: Data Management Training of WATSAN members and Assembly Members of the I-WASH project in East Gonja District.
- Team Member: July 2011. Innovation Platform (IP) Establishment in Lawra and Tolon-Kumbungu Districts. A Value Chain Analysis of the Crop-Livestock Systems.
- Team Member: Gandaa, B. Z., Shaibu, A-G., Gbedzi, V.D. and Abagale, F. K. November, 2011. Bunded Field Water Management Training Report. A Rice Sector Support Project (RSSP). A Collaboration between Agence Française De Développement (Afd), Ministry of Food And Agriculture (MoFA) and Faculty of Agriculture, University for Development Studies (UDS).
- Team Member: Bizoola, Z. Gandaa, Shaibu, Abdul-Ganiyu, Vincent D. Gbedzi and Abagale, F.K. April, 2011: Hydrology Report of the Rice Sector Support Project (RSSP). A Collaboration between Agence Française De Développement (AfD), Ministry of Food And Agriculture (MoFA) And Faculty of Agriculture, University for Development Studies (UDS) on lowland rice production hydrological studies.
- Team Leader: April, 2010. Installation of Irrigation Equipment and Training of Farmers on Dry Season Gardening in Four (4) Communities in the East Mamprusi District, Northern Region. A Community Livelihood Project of the East Mamprusi District with Funding Support from Community Driven Initiative for Food Security (CIFS) of Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Government of Ghana (GoG)
- Team Member: Bayorbor, T. B., Weobong, C. and Abagale, F. K. 2010. Climate Change Adaptation Through Water Resources Project. A Report Submitted to the Water Resources Commission (WRC) of Ghana.
- Team Leader: Abagale, F.K. March 2010. A Report on Combination of Horizontal Trickle Sand Filter and Farm Stabilization Ponds as a Wastewater Non-treatment Option for Poor Urban Farmers. A Report Submitted to International Foundation of Science (IFS): Research Grant No. W/4861-1
- Team Member: Shaibu, A-G. and Abagale, F.K. (May 2009): Report on Training of Community Based Extension Agents (CBEA’s) and Farmers on Contour Identification and Earth Bund Construction for 30 Communities under the Conservation Agriculture Project (CAP) In: East Mamprusi, Bawku and Lawra Districts of Northern Ghana. Submitted to CARE International, Tamale Sub-Office.
- Team Member: Shaibu, A– and Abagale, F.K. June, 2009. Report on Training of Community Based Extension Agents (CBEA’s) and Farmers on Contour Identification and Earth Bund Construction for 15 Communities under the Conservation Agriculture Project (CAP) In: East Mamprusi and Lawra Districts of Northern Ghana. Submitted to CARE International, Tamale Sub-Office.
- Team Member: Kranjac-Berisavljevic’ G. Gandaa, B.Z. Shaibu, A-G., and Abagale, F.K. December, 2009. Report of Hydrology Studies for the Development of Bontanga Irrigation Scheme in the Northern Region of Ghana, WBS 220. Report prepared by Department of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Technology of UDS and Presented to MiDA as part of the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC), signed between the Governments of Ghana and United States of America as a programme designed to help reduce rural poverty in Ghana.
- Team Member: Kranjac-Berisavljevic’ G. Gandaa, B.Z. Shaibu, A-G., and Abagale, F.K. December, 2009. Hydrology Studies for the development of Golinga irrigation scheme in the Northern Region of Ghana WBS 220. Report prepared by Department of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Technology of UDS and Presented to MiDA as part of the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC), signed between the Governments of Ghana and United States of America as a programme designed to help reduce rural poverty in Ghana.
- Team Member: Kranjac-Berisavljevic’ G. Gandaa, B.Z. Shaibu, A-G., and Abagale, F.K. December, 2009. Hydrology Studies for the development of Libga Irrigation Scheme in the Northern Region of Ghana WBS 220. Report prepared by Department of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Technology of UDS and Presented to MiDA as part of the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC), signed between the Governments of Ghana and United States of America as a programme designed to help reduce rural poverty in Ghana.
- Team Member: Kranjac-Berisavljevic’ G. Gandaa, B.Z. Shaibu, A-G., and Abagale, F.K. December, 2009. Hydrology Studies for the development of Nasia Irrigation Scheme in the Northern Region of Ghana WBS 220. Report prepared by Department of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Technology of UDS and Presented to MiDA as part of the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC), signed between the Governments of Ghana and United States of America as a programme designed to help reduce rural poverty in Ghana.
- Team Member: Gbedzi, V.D., Gandaa, B.Z. and Abagale, F.K. June, 2005: A Report on Sanitation at Borehole Sites and its Effect on Water Quality; a case study of West Mamprusi Overseas, Northern Region Ghana. A World Vision International Ghana sponsored research project. A Village Infrastructure Project (VIP), MoFA funded by IFAD, KfW and the World Bank.
- Team Member: 2004: Rip-rapping and grassing of dam walls at Kusanaba, Goli and Naaga in the Upper East Region. A Village Infrastructure Project (VIP), MoFA project funded by IFAD, KfW and the World Bank.
- Team Member: Rehabilitation of dam embankments at Goli, Wusungu-Pungu and Kusanaba the design and construction of a berm at Kusanaba in the Upper East Region.
- Team Member: Redesigning and construction of canals (lined and grassed) at Boya, Naaga and Goli Irrigation Sites with the use of siphons at Naaga Irrigation Project. Client: Village Infrastructure Project (VIP), MoFA funded by IFAD, KfW and the World Bank.
- Team Member: 2003: The potential and constraints of Agroforestry in forest fringe communities of the Asunafo District-Ghana”. A Research Project Sponsored by Tropenbos International.
- Team Member: 2011 – 2015. Enhancing Resilience to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-Arid Africa: An Integrated Approach. CECAR Africa R&D Project. Collaborating Institutions: UDS/Univ of Ghana/GMet/UNU INRA Legon/Univ of Tokyo/Kyoto Univ/UNU IST. Funded by JICA.
- Deputy Team Leader: Rice Sector Support Project (RSSP) (2009 – 2012). A Collaboration Between Agence Française De Développement (AfD), Ministry of Food And Agriculture (MoFA) And Faculty Of Agriculture, University For Development Studies (UDS) on lowland rice production hydrological studies.
- Team Leader: March 2008. International Foundation of Science (IFS) Combination of Horizontal Trickle Sand Filter and Farm Stabilization Ponds as a wastewater non-treatment option for poor urban Farmers. Research Grant No. W/4861-1
- Team Member: June 2005: Sanitation at borehole sites and its effect on water quality; a case study of West Mamprusi Overseas, Northern Region Ghana. A World Vision International Ghana sponsored research project.
- Team Member: The potential and constraints of Agroforestry in forest fringe communities of the Asunafo District-Ghana”.
- Team Member: August 2005: Enhancing rainwater harvesting and nutrient use efficiency for improved crop productivity, farm income and rural livelihood in the Volta Basin-CP5 Challenge: ‘Water for Food Project’. A Challenge project under the auspices of UNU-INRA.
- Team Member: August 2004: Indicators for comparism of the impacts of different Agricultural water development projects in Ghana. A research work undertaken under the auspices of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Ghana.
- Team Member: September 2004: Ground water exploration and opportunities for irrigation in Northern Ghana: Case study, Gung Windmill Irrigation Project. A Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) sponsored research project undertaken by the Faculty of Agriculture of the University for Development Studies, Ghana